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Join date: Jun 27, 2022


What To Do For Mucus Cough

How to Relieve Coughing Up Yellow Mucus 1. Lemon and Honey Lemon juice is highly acidic and helps to break up the mucus. Lemon tea can be bought at the store or it can also be made at home. Simply mix two teaspoons of lemon juice in a. A steamy shower or bath can help loosen the mucus and congestion behind your cough.

A humidifier also may help. Be sure to clean and change the filter as directed by the manufacturer. This prevents... Apply Warm Compress: Take a small towel and wet it with warm water. Place the towel on the face for one minute. Cover your eyes, nose, and the under-eye region in particular. Continue this process until the pain and phlegm settle down.

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